The Offerings of Life - Part 1
- Dr. Charles Ackon
- Category: felt Blog
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THE FELT MONOLOGUE The Offerings of Life - Part 1 People and organizations grow and with time they must be restructured to reflect the dynamics and circumstances of particular time or season. This could actually be compared to a beautiful garden When you build a life of career, company, or marriage, you may have nothing and starts with nothing but a view of what is inspired in your heart aka spiritual eyesight and in your mind eye can lead you into greatness. Firstly, you must start the process with a decision after a session of planning, praying and pursuing of focus. Then after you must plant a seed of hope through your effort. And you need to take care of it for it to grow. And with time, you must add more seeds to the farm in order to expect to gather more yields and more territory. This you must do as you await the seedlings in your garden to grow into great plantings and even into a great farm. In the course of time, you will realise that some plants may fit better between others and thus they need to be moved to make the garden look better and more beautiful. Such is the thought process in our soul: mentality and expectations in life. When the garden grows and the owner takes great care of the vision of the reason for the plants, they soon attract the bees. The bees than collect honey and spreads the word embedded in the seeds of the plants. There is yield and there is profit. This is how it is in a marriage or business among human beings. One's experience motivates his or her actions, reactions and even the counsel and advice which is given. I have heard stories and personally have seen many attempts by some people very close to a couple, in a marriage, cunningly done so much to destroy that particular marriage. This was mostly based on self interest and hoarding of secrets which does not guarantee transgenerational blessings. But just like how the animals behave in the garden by speaking out in roaring and in other sounds, Humans also sometimes need to throw their feelings out to keep bitterness and hurt out of their minds and soul. And for a better story telling in the future and for coaching purposes, one has to throw the stories on a paper in a book in hard or soft writings. Life in itself can be interesting when least is said or when put concisely. Life is a school. It is a fact that young people do not, most of the time, know how the intricacies of life all works and unfortunately they believe it should always be pretty in all pinky colors. All Marriages, Ministries and even Monies must grow and multiple if the third and key factor of growth is kept in the equation of the transaction. This is a good eye opener for many people. In life, just saying and hoping that something will grow does not make it grow. One need to follow the procedures and the systems designed for his natured growth. Covenants and Obedience to rules and regulations must be kept. Thus for a marriage, saying that happiness and peace will only happen if you do not allow the bad influencers get into the sacrament of marriage may be true in one aspect but not in its totality. May factors are involved even spiritual invocations and ordinances. The Offerings of Life can compare the life of a garden that is cultured and pruned for glory of the Master to the Life of a well groomed man with the embedded principles of righteousness. "Knowledge is a tool of Righteousness" - Charles Kwamena Ackon Let us presume that garden is Eden if you want to be spiritual. Eden was a complete all-sufficient garden made to have the wholeness of Nature and Comfort of life. The purpose I believe tells a story that after all is done, a man's offering must end in honor, wealth and long life enjoying the peace and joy of the environment. In this Garden called Eden, let us take a look at the communication in nature and style between the animals. It could be very simple but it is surely similar to the communication between human beings and the environment or its nature. The animals know what to expect and do. I believe they do not speak one language but in communicating they understand each other and thus there is harmony and order in most instances. Nevertheless this is a mystery to be fathomed. Obviously just like in the garden, for humans we know that in any organization if there is no clear and keen sales communication, the company could collapse unless the owner finds a way of communication with his superiors and his subordinates to achieve goals and objectives. The Life of a Man is like the garden of Eden. Obviously the animals could be the clients. They come, they feed of the garden and they go back to their own type and spread the words of how great the food of that grass or that apple was. We also know that the water in the garden play a key role in the ecosystem of the garden. So we learn that there would be nothing done without the water and for some forms of life, sometimes within the 72-hour mandate of replenishment of water for sustainable growth. There are many questions one can ask when one views the Offerings of Life with the perspectives of the cohabitation of the constituents of the ecosystem in a garden. What could be the water in the life of a man? Did you know that sometime The Water and the Sun may think that they are the two most important in the ecosystem and without them the garden will not grow? Such is the life of a marriage or even of a business or of a man. What is the strength and significance of The love, The loyalty, and The owner's commitment? Etc. What can they do and achieve without the commitment of the plants? And for any business the plants are the defined staff whiles for any marriage, the plants are the children. And need you ask that what can the garden do without the animals. For any business where surely the animals are the clients, what can the business do with its defined clients and customers. Life has many offerings but it is the revelation of KNOWLEDGE and the application of WISDOM to the matters of its living using UNDERSTANDING as a master guide that provides and guarantees the harmony of PEACE and JOY which allows every man to enjoy the secret of SELF-SUFFICIENCY and FULFILLMENT in their Ministry, Money and Marriage......Cont'd. - Charles Kwamena Ackon