Love More and Pray More
- Dr. Charles Ackon
- Category: felt Blog
- Read Time: 1 min
- Hits: 1195
A FELT Monologue
Love more and pray more is a Godly and wise answer I found during a particular period of my life during which God allowed and exposed the heart of certain people around me to me and to my close family.
Some of such people were or are associates, partners, acquaintances and loved ones such as relatives and family. I also found out that there is a reason for everything that happens under the sun in this world. One just have to gain the spiritual eyesight or knowledge so as to have the Understanding thereof.
Our World, with its environment and inhabitants, is controlled by two forces under authority of the Creator God.
The first force has effect on Man through its External Impact. It can inoculate and seed its intrinsic ability on any man once it takes over the Free Will of that man.
The second force is within Man and it is called the Internal Impact aka the Free Will. It allows a man to think and to take decisions and be responsible for his actions.
Many people face many situations in their lifetime. Some break and collapse under the pressure of the weight of the situation whiles others stand, face, tackle and overcome these challenges and are eventually crowned victorious after fight.
The big question is why do some fail under slight pressures whiles others just sail through extraordinary situations and still survive and thrive. For the latter, the first answer lies both in the external and the internal effect. They also succeed because certain abilities are graced to such persons. They get enablement from above.
In the face of mounting confrontation, false accusations and unmerited dislike for your person and/or your character, you can only take the first important step within the force of Internal Impact. It is called Self Assessment.
Do not blame anyone.. Go down on your kneels and pray for understanding. Ask questions as to why such Situation is happening.
For a good self assessment to be done, you must conduct Self Retrospection of your Words, Thoughts and Actions. Also assess your foes and the avengers and delve deep into their past behaviors and speech
Then Evaluate your Mindset and Philosophy and then Appraised these against the standard which the Good Book terms as the Wisdom.
And in all these evaluation, the score line must be measured by using the standard of the Good Book: Do right before men and let your righteousness be devoid of bitterness and anger as is common within the wisdom of men.
It is true that In this life certain people can not be loved. Many of such people have sealed or dead conscience or might have experienced a bad childhood, adolescent or /and adult. They are selfish. They could be proud. And surely they feel their past or do not deal with it.
That is why you must thank God for everything. Through it all you know the nature of their hearts.
Many people have grown into noble steadwards and caretakers by enhancing the nature of their heart, building strong spirit and working hard through quality education and training as well as by the grace of God. They get aligned and connected to opportunities and resources which facilitate their growth and maturity. In this way they do not disappoint themselves and their society.. They become a delight and not a liability to others.
Very often the writings are on the wall for people like these who are troublesome and antagonistic to sound and biblical principles to ministry, money and marriage matters.
If they are not being impacted by external forces for good dividends, then know that they can not submit to leadership and authority. Their private and life experiences are corrupted by their preferences and concept of life. Either way their life do not end optimally well.
I have also realized that there is something very interesting and divine about this world. For instance, when it comes to mating and relationships, I found out that people's path are matched by the external forces and it is by the grace of God. Some people even dream about their helpers or foes years before they meet them.
However it is not a sure thing that you will locate your match by chance. Yes maybe some do have it this ways. But for many, they must search and find the marked and matched partner for him or her.
I also found out that literal education influence many peoole to be so philosophical and deep in book knowledge. But they do not have spiritual eyesight to know things and people beyond the physical looks. Such people are not blessed. Infact most often they forfeit the grace which can be available to them for their peace, prosperity, enlargement and legacy.
In this life the obstacles you will face when growing up can have a positive or negative effect on you and yours. This is why it is recommendable to have quiet times to do critical thinking and self assessment for anyone who seek to leave a great good success for generations. Sometimes the issues you face can be God's way of making you the anointed, pruned and powerful person you need to become for His rulership and dominion.
Thus certain things will happen to you; sometimes to embarrass and disgrace you, to hurt you. More of such negativitues can distract you . So do not worry. Press on. It may not be easy but you will win. It has to happen just as certain things happened to Christ for his glorification.
Be assured of this that the outcome will show a result which will label you as a blessed person and also give glory to your Creator. It is all predetermined by God. And you must use the Internal force of your soul to legislate the mandate and the work.
God is with you indeed. And God, when God has his plan for a person, family or community, God will call and select, then justify people to bring them to Vindication and Glorification of his purpose and plans.
Keep in mind that some people really fight in this life for a greater cause. So fight your good fight. You may ask the why's but always be mindful that even within our human limitations God always has his plan for man. And he needs the partnership called WE for cooperation towards excellence or perfection.
Remember that what you can see may not be the same sight for someone else. So when you see your opportunity for vision and increase but someone else can not see, please do not worry. Be smarter and keep your strategy of enlargement. The future will showcase the progress of your thoughts, sights and sounds.
As you love more and pray more, kindly note the following :
1. Don't be friends with negative people or negative opinions. They are bad influence. And they can short - change your destiny with their insinuations and externally influenced ill-intent and wrong motivation.
2. It is said that the weather is like a school dinner. You get what you are giving. Such is life too. So make the best of what you are giving so that a higher platform of life becomes the beginning stage of your progeny.
3. Your thoughts can be captured and abused by the negativities of the wicked and by non-refined attitudes of your character. Thus WATCH your thought, motives and action. It can cause you generational issues.
4. The people of God can only be found on one of two places : Heaven or Earth
5. When God speaks and you don't listen, you will struggle. So obey instructions.
6. David killed Goliath because he had experience on the field. Be assured that you overcome everything and everyone by your testimony as God is with you.
7. Plead the testimony of your experience through the hard times and good times to God people. God will use it to fight the battle for you. Just don't worry. Press on in prayer and in deeds as you love more and pray more.
You can conquer all. By the grace of God and with your hard work and words and acts of faith.
Do not give up. Press on. God is with you
- Charles Kwamena Ackon