Is Marriage Crying For Her Foundation and Values? - Part 2
- Dr. Charles Ackon
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*Is Marriage Crying For Her Foundation and Values?* - Part 2
Withall glory to God, I am glad to say that I once defined who a godly woman is, and many people accepted my general definitions and postulations:
1. A godly woman gives godly counsel
2. A godly woman knows how to manage her home
3. A godly woman learns and knows how and when to pray, praise and worship with her words, voice and even with her body.
4. A godly woman does not gossip and is usually careful with her words and works.
5. A godly woman has the wisdom of God and can teach people into greatness and accomplishments.
6. A godly woman respects and gathers together for family and friends.
7. A godly woman is not arrogant even when she’s knowledgeable, highly exposed and well educated
8. A godly woman manages well with even little resources and support.
9. A godly woman has a character, grace, anointing and even an attractive aromas and air of glory around her
10. A godly woman knows how to make herself beautiful and also turn off craftiness and cunning arts.
11. A godly woman likes family and social cohesion and unity for purposeful living beyond just being successful.
12. A godly woman’s end crowns the beginning no matter the challenges and difficulties in life.
So, on the journey of people's life relating to their family, health, career, occupation and even business matters, do you know that anyone who has a covenant with God in sure certainties and definitely can still have his ways and means slip into and/or fall into difficulties, problems and even the unexpected just as much as he can receive and/obtain blessings, favour, gifts, pleasant surprises and so on?
I have seen many people in many walks of life fight many battles and long wars even in their marriages just to achieve their divine purposes in life. I have too by the grace of God.
But why? Many keep asking and still asking the whys - why did I not divorce?. Whiles some other people in regret are asking themselves: why could I not hang on a bit more as they recall their mistakes? And so many other questions are still out there on the lips of many people who just jump out of marriages.
There is this particularly good question that interest and excites God alot, I have been told - Why me? And the usual supplementary question, one can ask after this question is this - why not me? There is at least one particular answer for this typical question for any person who is picked, called, selected, and/or chosen for great destinies; be it in the opportunities of Ministry, Money and Marriage affairs or in some other areas.
I have seen and in some cases, experienced that the offering of life can involve problems, challenges and long sufferings provoked by evil, curses and bad luck. And when restored to its divine plan, the Offerings of Life is lived by great provisions and pleasures of divine blessings, protection and favour. And it is simply grounded on this: no matter where you started from, or when you began or how you started, you can be made capable, competent and successful - you can do it.
Among life-changing and thought provoking experiences, I have found out many things as I grew up. There is definitely the need for a God factor in every marriage, be it among humans, animals or even spirit beings. But who can understand everything of mystery and the unraveled nature except the spirit-filled who has access to supernatural revelations into the world of realms, dimensions and atmospheres.
In this life, there are many factors that indeed influence opportunities of Ministry, Money and Marriage for every person. And according to the Book of Life, there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. It thus stand to reason or debate that there is a cause and a purpose for a man or a woman's action and the outcome thereof can denote its effect as written or must be written in the scrolls of life.
And in the book of life (the Bible) according to Genesis 2 verse 23, the created man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of Man. 2:24. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. 2:25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
So, in reference to these Godly principles of a male human being - the Husband, now taking on the responsibility of leading, managing and caring for a female human being - the wife, through marriage so as to create a family to populate the earth, I often ask a simple question: *Why are you married to your spouse?*
One day, many centuries ago, a man just like you and I who was selected by the grace of God and anointed to do what he did with an outstanding reason made a decision for the good of others and for his own destiny, wealth and greatness.
That man, Paul said to another man called Archippus (Col 4 verse 17): "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." What is the work you have received to do in your life, your family and in your friends, colleagues and activities. Upon reading this Scripture, I asked myself: Was this Statement a Warning, an Advice or an Admonition? Thankfully, with meditation, studies and prayers, I got the answer.
It is evidentiary true that some marriages are targeted at and destroyed by demon possessed people and by agents of the devil, by acts of self-interest, selfishness and wickedness, by bad character and mannerism, by lust and adultery, and by many others of such kind as listed in Galatians chapter 5.
Ironically, such things just act to stop the God's factor in a person, a marriage, a family, a business and so on in order to alter or terminate the agenda of God and of the persons even in a marriage.
I have found out other things; utilizing the grace of God, and operating within the PET (Patience, Endurance and Tolerance) Factor, and coupling them with the Strength of prayers, Hard work and good behaviors, any initial struggles and difficulties in a marriage will work together for good. And any associated lack of understanding, internal and external forces can all be workable rhythmically into great solutions and profitable dividends.
There are certain elements though, that every person needs to acquire for the composition of a man's or a woman's complete rule on earth through even the marriage and through the family. And this authority can be derived through the unity of cooperation in the marriage by a spouse for the couple to be firmly established.
But such marriage outcomes must work, firstly, to generate the God Factor: Why am I married to this woman or to this man? And despite initial misunderstandings through the unexpected and inexperiences, the core understanding of the reason for any marriage or family comes up with time or is revealed within time via revelations, experiences, confessions and acts, and by the prayers and meditations of combined hearts and minds.
How do you know secrets in the marriage? There are known through many facilitating factors such as knowledge, bitterness-free heart, heavenly wisdom, closeness, open communication, spiritual insight, and by good virtues and good values of which there are great recommendations and examples.
I recommend to you that, for you to rule in your marriage or be a great sustaining paddle in you marriage; keeping its foundation and values, you must have what I term as the collective Vision, Image, Voice (VIV) attributes which work together to yield every family's Mandate, Image, Likeness (MIL). These ensure that one has the needed and requisite dominion to rule or be ruled.
Marriages are also influenced by external forces of either Inhibitors or Facilitators. And these two forces compete for the ownership of the heart, mind and resolution of the partners/spouses within the marriage union; eventually to affect the reason and well-being of the marriage. It is therefore very important to watch out for these forces in any mental, social, family and spiritual interactions and relationships. By eliminating these, they can not clandestinely work to self-destroy the inherent reason for the marriage.
Because when these negative vibes are accommodated into the hearts and souls of the parties, and into the home of the marriage, the negative forces especially, can take charge to be deadly, generationally crafty and destructive even to the offsprings - children, their children and to the next and in that order.
With time, I found out that to be able to rule and take dominion through the God factor in your marriage, the VIV and MIL factors must interact, reconcile, cooperate and resonate in the entire structure, scope, mission and features of the marriage and of the family to yield the following:
1. Power
2. Wealth
3. Wisdom
4. Strength
5. Honor
6. Glory
7. Praise
And through these elements of God's blessing as stated above, a marriage with its Ambition, Business and Care within the given opportunities thereby combine with the divine mandate for the life, within the marriage and with his family and business to definitely birth forth the agenda of Heaven and of the Man's purpose on earth. Actually, many other things and persons work to reorganize a marriage's assignments in the world of its allocation, which if not realized in the universe as commanded and labeled for their establishment, will create hurdles for the Man, his immediate family and the next generation.
So, ladies and gentlemen, please stand for marriage whether in existence or to come no matter their challenges. I learnt that it pays off eventually when the God factor is acknowledged, received, incorporated and well positioned in the fabric, rules and regulations of the marriage and of the family's identity and profiles.
Finally, did you know that the ordinances of traditional marriages affect the ordinances in the church marriage of spouses and their children? The ordinance(s) of a marriage can greatly affect particular marriages and even influence happenings in adjoining marriages in the family, communities or neighborhoods; releasing the spirit, anointings and terms of existing covenant upon that marriage and to the others for good influences or bad influences.
This is why in defining the ordinances of the church and families within the body of Christ, I found out that orthodox churches, especially the Catholic church, recognises the seven sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation (Penance or Confession), Eucharist (or Holy Communion), Confirmation, Marriage (Matrimony), Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick (Extreme Unction) - Source:
So, keep in mind that whether known or unknown, seen or unseen, some marriages really do cry for their rightful foundations and values so they can exist in value and comply with the Creator's order.
There are many other questions in marriage yet unanswered, and the question of compatibility is many times ignored by lovers especially if the grantors are overly bearing and have self interest to control or impress. Are there perfect people for perfect marriages? I doubt, though they are good marriages of which I have one. But in many marriages, the spouses must work on their weaknesses to grow into strength; aspiring unto perfection no matter how good and compatible they currently are. And regardless of how long one's marriage has been, it can collapse at any time when love is replaced by hate. So, be careful, watchful and sensitive to emotions and inner feelings as you pray more and love more.
In sharing her thoughts, a lady postulated that if couples in courtship do not work or are not able to accommodate and support each other, can these traits and indifferences become more glaring when they marry? And can these trigger the so-called little fights every now and then we hear of in marriages?
In many marriages, the little and big signs one sees in his or her relationships are most often warning signs for great troubles ahead if unchecked, unanswered and/or unchanged. For significant reasons, most marriages are most times tagged with what most people call - love - to the extent that they either ignore or assume that change will automatically happen or occur once they settle formally into marriage. But certain individuals who decide to make concious efforts to change a bad habit or two are able to achieve success in their marriages because they believe in the sanctity of marriage and worked at it. Others just decide that they just want to marry irrespective of the signs and later feel bad or regret into divorce.
How about Patience, Endurance and Time management in marriages? I believe that the moment you decide that irrespective of all the signs - the good, the bad and the ugly, this is "the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" then, you have to put on the shield of responsibility - of patience, endurance and time, leadership, management, protection, provision and priesthood.
Time management: if your marriage is built with God at the center, you should first of all, believe in His timing and direction. What are you two also doing humanly to make the marriage work? There should be some goal setting too for both parties to work at.
Endurance & Patience: these are virtues both parties need to pray for if they do not have or have enough immediately, currently. Remember, the reality of life sets in when you now live together as husband and wife for a while within time. That is when you will realize that spousal preferences differ even in many ways, t various times and in many things.... *To be Cont'd*
- Charles Kwamena Ackon